Friday, December 9, 2011

Some Facts

.A 2.5D geometry is a 2D geometry with an elevation (Z-ordinate) component. 

Design Web Format?. A file format specifically designed for storing and transmitting design data.

A rectangle bounding a map, the size of which is determined by the minimum and maximum map coordinates.

The header is a an XML file that specifies information about a resource, folder, or repository. This includes the permissions required to access the item. For a folder or root level, these permissions also affect any items below it that set permissions to be inherited from the parent.

SRS stands for Spatial Reference System. A spatial reference system "describes the coordinate space in which the object is defined."

Symmetric difference (A,B) = union(A,B) - intersection(A,B).

Well Known Text format. A method used to exchange geometry information in textual form.

Web Map Server interface. An OpenGIS specification for georeferenced maps.

Friday, November 25, 2011


WITSML Standards
WITSML™ (Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Markup Language) is an industry initiative to provide open, non-proprietary, standard interfaces for technology and software that monitor and manage wells, completions and workovers.


While the goal of each of these standards is essentially the same—the ability to easily transfer drilling data—the technology is not.

Wellsite Information Transfer Specification (WITS) is an industry standard from the mid 1980s that uses a binary file format for transferring wellsite drilling data.

WITSML is Web-based and built on XML technology, which is both platform- and language-independent.

Some implementations of WITS may still exist, but all new development should be done using WITSML.

Example of WITSML

PRODML Standards
PRODML (Production Markup Language) is an industry initiative to provide open, non-proprietary, standard interfaces between software tools used to monitor, manage and optimize hydrocarbon production.( PRODuction xML)

PRODML standards:

    * Make integration of these technologies possible, enabling near-real-time production optimization and moving closer to realizing the benefits of the digital oilfield.
    * Focus on the technology from the reservoir-wellbore boundary to the custody transfer point, as well as integration with other domain standards such as WITSML and RESQML.
    * Are a low-cost, low-risk, and highly innovative environment for the configuration and running of advanced optimization processes.

RESQML Standards
RESQML™ is an industry initiative to provide open, non-proprietary data exchange standards for reservoir characterization, earth and reservoir models.

RESQML is the exchange format for transferring earth model data between applications in a vendor neutral, open and simple format.

RESQML benefits not only from the immense experience gained over the years with RESCUE, but also from the vision of new developments. RESQML will enable feedback loops from simulation to seismic improving today’s usage of time-lapse seismic. Gridding technologies such as unstructured gridding or micro-fracture descriptions, along with features like streamlines, are further enhancements that can be more easily integrated into RESQML.

Many people have experienced data corruption when transferring data from one system to another, such as well trajectories losing datums, 3D grids getting changed from time to depth, horizon data being damaged in the data transfer.
When you find that your wells are on the other side of the reservoir it is particularly annoying,

Data in RESQML format can include a gridded volume, data about horizons, static information, time data (for a simulation), units being used.

The system can record data about connections, not just the geometry of the reservoir model. For example, it can describe which cells specific wells intersect, and where the faults are.

If a gridded volume is imported into another piece of reservoir simulation software which doesn’t know that a fault exists, the software will create a simulation on the basis that fluid can flow freely from one cell to an adjacent one, without knowing that it would be blocked by a fault.

RESQML can handle faults modeled in both pillars and stair steps. It can include data about flows and temperatures.

RESQML can also manage data about multiple reservoirs which are connected by the same well.