Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Google Chart Tools ( A P I )

Google Chart Tools ( A P I )

Copy paste this link in your browser and check .You can view chart shown below


Try this also


When you closely watch the link which produce a chat ;you can see after this link
http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? every parameter is passed through variable starting with 'ch' which stands for chart

cht resembles for Chart Type  
  1. Pie Charts (p, p3, pc)
  2. Bar Charts (bhs, bvs, bhg, bvg)
  3. Box Charts
  4. Candlestick Charts
  5. Compound Charts
  6. Dynamic Icons (chem)
  7. Formulas (tx)
  8. Google-O-Meter Charts (gom)
  9. Line Charts (lc, ls, lxy)
  10. Map Charts (t)
  11. QR Codes (qr)
  12. Radar Charts (r, rs)
  13. Scatter Charts (s)
  14. Venn Charts (v)            

cbd resembles for Chart Data (ie: chd=t:val,val,val Here t stands for 'text' format )

t -> text ,s -> series

chs resembles for Chart Size in pixels ( [width x height ie: 250 x 100 ] )

Width, in pixels. Maximum value is 1,000. Width x height cannot exceed 300,000.
Height, in pixels. Maximum value is 1,000. Width x height cannot exceed 300,000.

chco resembles for Chart Color

List of Chart Parameters

For More Details

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

.MHT File

If you want to save webpage as package then open that website in Internet Explorer and save it as '.MHT'. You will get entire web page as single package. MHTML, short for MIME HTML