Cloud Backup Benefits
Oracle’s Cloud backup functionality provides the following advantages over
traditional tape-based offsite backups:
• Continuous Accessibility, Faster Restores: Backups stored in the
Cloud are always accessible – much in the same way local disk backups
are. As such, there is no need to call anyone, and no need to ship or load
tapes before a restore can be performed. Administrators can initiate
restore operations using their standard tools (Enterprise Manager, scripts,
etc.) just as if the offsite backup was stored locally. This can help make
restores faster and reduce down time from days to hours/minutes in many

• Better Reliability: Storage Clouds are disk based and thus inherently
more reliable than tapes. Additionally, the Cloud vendors typically keep
multiple redundant copies of data for availability and scalability purposes.
reduction in backup size is directly realized as an increase in backup performance.
• Unlimited Scaling and No Up-front Capital Expense: The Cloud
provides virtually unlimited capacity with no up-front capital expenditure.
Consequently, users need not worry about provisioning adequate tapes or
local storage to hold the required backup data. The Cloud scales seamlessly
and users pay only for what they use, when they use it.

• Reduced Tape Backup and Offsite Storage Cost: Since Cloud backup
reduces or eliminates the need for tapes, this can lead to significant savings
in tape backup software licensing/support and offsite tape storage costs.
• Quick Provisioning of Test and Dev Environments: As Cloud
Backups are accessible from anywhere via the Internet, they can be used to
quickly clone databases to create custom test, dev, or QA environments.
For instance, Cloud Backups stored in Amazon S3 can be cloned to
machines running in Amazon EC2 by running a simple script that is
included in the Oracle-provided Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). An
AMI is a virtual machine image that allows quick provisioning of a preinstalled
and pre-configured Oracle database environment on Amazon

Oracle’s Cloud backup functionality provides the following advantages over
traditional tape-based offsite backups:
• Continuous Accessibility, Faster Restores: Backups stored in the
Cloud are always accessible – much in the same way local disk backups
are. As such, there is no need to call anyone, and no need to ship or load
tapes before a restore can be performed. Administrators can initiate
restore operations using their standard tools (Enterprise Manager, scripts,
etc.) just as if the offsite backup was stored locally. This can help make
restores faster and reduce down time from days to hours/minutes in many
• Better Reliability: Storage Clouds are disk based and thus inherently
more reliable than tapes. Additionally, the Cloud vendors typically keep
multiple redundant copies of data for availability and scalability purposes.
reduction in backup size is directly realized as an increase in backup performance.
• Unlimited Scaling and No Up-front Capital Expense: The Cloud
provides virtually unlimited capacity with no up-front capital expenditure.
Consequently, users need not worry about provisioning adequate tapes or
local storage to hold the required backup data. The Cloud scales seamlessly
and users pay only for what they use, when they use it.
• Reduced Tape Backup and Offsite Storage Cost: Since Cloud backup
reduces or eliminates the need for tapes, this can lead to significant savings
in tape backup software licensing/support and offsite tape storage costs.
• Quick Provisioning of Test and Dev Environments: As Cloud
Backups are accessible from anywhere via the Internet, they can be used to
quickly clone databases to create custom test, dev, or QA environments.
For instance, Cloud Backups stored in Amazon S3 can be cloned to
machines running in Amazon EC2 by running a simple script that is
included in the Oracle-provided Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). An
AMI is a virtual machine image that allows quick provisioning of a preinstalled
and pre-configured Oracle database environment on Amazon