Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Awaken Children

In someparts of India ,especially in Tamil nadu ,people eat the extremely bitter (margosa ) flower on New Years Eve. There is another celebration at the end of the year called Pongal ,on the day the sun touches the tropic of Capricorn .On this day ,people traditionally chew sugarcane. There is a great deal of symbolism in all Hindu celebrations .In these two particular examples ,chewing the bitter neem flower symbolizes the acceptance of lifes bitter experience from the very first day of life .life involves many hardships & msifortunes.We should learn to accept & even welcome them wholeheartedly,to be patient ,enthusiatistic and optimistic never allowing ourselves to mentally weak or disappointed .Only then can we progress towards the real goal of life-the sweet bliss and joy of immortality .this is symbolized by eating sugarcane at the end of the year.

Source : Awaken Children

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nice Quotes

One Week Before I accidentally read a book when i have nothing to do (because there was no electricity :) ) ,the book was

The Eye of God (English Edition Translated by Githa Krishankutty)
by Np Muhammad

There are many quotes in the book but according to me most valuable and striking quotes where

Do you know where Heaven is ? ."It is somewhere in the sky.
" I said and pointed upwards .No you fool Heaven is under ummas feet