Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Monday, September 10, 2018

Games & Related Instructions for Life Skills

Introduction Section

1) Effective Communication  -- :  First divide the group into teams , then ask the team to stand according to alphabetic order of your name / DOB / DOM etc .....

Confidence Buildup  --  Power of subconscious Mind

1) Measure right & left palm then look at the less length palm before your eye & then say  that your palm is growing after a while measure your both palm . You can see that your both palm are at equal length

Note :  Length of your stretched hand your height will be same but it is not for Michael Philps thats why he is able to swim faster 

Ice breaking sessions

1) Place an elastic in a round

2) Team members are not allowed to cross the line . With the help of the team a tallest member in a team want to take a key placed which is placed  around 30 m away from the line

3)  Gain & Loss Game ( Eratta & Otta ) -- For effective communication (use sweets for this instead of stone)

4)  Balloon Games

   a)  Pass the balloon in a line in a team
   b) Different balloon games for parenting & team building activities

5)  Chair & Stick game

6) Treasure hunt : From your team select one member as captain then tie all others eye . By accepting the signal from the captain each team members should pass the signal using hands to others by this signal first member in the line should find the treasure

7) Origami  :  For Children's Brain development    (making of hats/ or other items using papers)

8) Memory Game :  Candle (1)  , Book (2), Autorikshaw  (3) , Chair  (4) , Elephant  (5) , Butterfly (6 -Shadpadam) ,Axe (7) ,Balloon  (8) , Whistle  (9)

9) To find products in your surroundings from A to Z

10) Get signature from the person who you feel are apt from this group having any of the below 4 quality

I m friendly
I love nature
I m flexible
I m active

11) Tangram : With tangram around 1 lakh models can be created with 7 pieces

12) How to draw lines on 9 dots without taking hands