Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Archangels


The word Angel means messenger in ancient Greek, many people believe that angels are God's messengers when in fact they are much more. 

Angels are the beings closest to God responsible for transmitting the highest energies from the celestial realms to the earth.

Hence they are called "messengers." More specifically, angels give instructions from God to beings beneath them in the spiritual hierarchy like nature spirits to create life on earth.

Angels and Archangels carry or relay the thoughts of Divine Source between the heavenly state / God to the human.

Angels also carry human thoughts from Being to the Divine Source. In this way angels help humans receive divine thoughts and bring them into manifestation. 

Angels also work in the other direction by taking human thoughts and sending them to Divine Source.

 Thus Angels help us to manifest our desire and prepare ourselves as a medium for heavenly works

The Archangels

An Archangel  is an Angel of high rank. The English word archangel is derived from the Greek  Arch + Angel, literally "chief angel" or "angel of origin

We can Learn about Five Main ArchAngels, who can help us in core  areas of our Life.  The Archangels were the primary engineers and creators of the universe.

There are 15 primary archangels although we will learn about the  5 :

Archangel Michael

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Ariel

Archangel Gabriel

We need to prepare ourselves to connect with these Angels. For that we need to do some meditation, some breathing exercises. One such meditation is focusing on the tip of the nose while doing the breathing. Just close Ur eyes sit very relaxed and just b aware of your breathing focusing on the tip of the nose. The more you do this, the more will b your awareness. You will go into deep meditation with this simple technique.

Archangel Michael (Most Powerful )

Archangel Michael was the first Angel created by God. He is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. Archangel Michael protects us physically and emotionally. He can help us to realize our life’s purpose, if we ask for his help. Archangel Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity. He encourages us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are. Archangel Michael is said to help with addictions, terminal illnesses and when we suffer from nightmares. Call on Archangel Michael and he will be there for you .


God often sends Michael to help people who are facing urgent needs during a crisis, believers say. You can call on Michael in an emergency and receive instant help, No matter what type of protection you need, Michael is ready and willing to provide it. No matter what sort of situation you find yourself in, Michael will give you the necessary courage and strength to deal with it.

People may see Michael's aura nearby or hear his voice audibly speaking to them during a crisis Archangel Michael's aura color is a royal purple that's so bright, it looks like cobalt blue.

Many people report seeing Michael's blue lights in a crisis. During crises, people hear Michael's voice as loudly and clearly as if another person were talking.

But no matter how Michael chooses to manifest, he usually announces his presence clearly. More than seeing the actual angel, most people see evidence of Michael's presence.

He's a very clear communicator, and you're likely to hear his guidance in your mind or sense it as a gut feeling.


Michael may visit you when you need encouragement to make faithful decisions, to reassure you that God and the angels are really watching over you, say believers.

Michael is concerned chiefly with protection, truth, integrity, courage, and strength. If you are having difficulty in any of these areas, Michael is the angel to summon, when Michael is close to you, you may get a clear picture of Michael in your mind or you might experience a sense of comfort or warmth.

Since Archangel Michael is a protector, his signs are designed to comfort and reassure. He wants you to know that he’s with you and that he hears your prayers and questions. 


Michael wants to motivate you to become more organized and productive to fulfill God's good purposes for your life,  so such guidance that you receive in your mind may be signs of Michael's presence with you. 

Archangel Michael helps us develop the skills and talents we need that will support us, and benefit our communities and the world. Michael asks that we be organized, find a simple, rhythmic, orderly routine in our everyday life.

Exercise 01

We need to prepare ourselves to connect with these Angels. For that we need to do some meditation, some breathing exercises. One such meditation is focusing on the tip of the nose while doing the breathing. Just close Ur eyes sit very relaxed and just b aware of your breathing focusing on the tip of the nose.

The more you do this, the more will b your awareness. You will go into deep meditation with this simple technique.

 Please prepare yourself for a Guided Meditation upon Archangel Michael. Please do the breathing exercises before doing this meditation as it will help you to  enhance the connection with the Angel .Please use a Headset for doing the meditation.