Showing posts with label Amazon Simple Queue Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon Simple Queue Service. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cloud Computing & Amazon -3

Amazon Simple-Db is a web service providing the core database functions of data indexing and querying in the cloud.

Build your data set

* Use CreateDomain, DeleteDomain, ListDomains, DomainMetadata to create and manage query domains
* Use Put, Batch Put, & Delete to create and manage the data set within each query domain

Retrieve your data

* Use GetAttributes to retrieve a specific item
* Use Select to query your data set for items that meet specified criteria

API Summary

Amazon SimpleDB provides a small number of simple API calls which implement writing, indexing and querying data. The interface and feature set are intentionally focused on core functionality, providing a basic API for developers to build upon and making the service easy to learn and simple to use.

* CreateDomain — Create a domain that contains your dataset.
* DeleteDomain — Delete a domain.
* ListDomains — List all domains.
* DomainMetadata — Retrieve information about creation time for the domain, storage information both as counts of item names and attributes, as well as total size in bytes.
* PutAttributes — Add or update an item and its attributes, or add attribute-value pairs to items that exist already. Items are automatically indexed as they are received.
* BatchPutAttributes — For greater overall throughput of bulk writes, perform up to 25 PutAttribute operations in a single call.
* DeleteAttributes — Delete an item, an attribute, or an attribute value.
* GetAttributes — Retrieve an item and all or a subset of its attributes and values.
* Select — Query the data set in the familiar, “select target from domain_name where query_expression” syntax. Supported value tests are: =, !=, <, > <=, >=, like, not like, between, is null, is not null, and every (). Example: select * from mydomain where every(keyword) = ‘Book’. Order results using the SORT operator, and count items that meet the condition(s) specified by the predicate(s) in a query using the Count operator.

Amazon Simple Queue Service
(Amazon SQS) offers a reliable, highly scalable, hosted queue for storing messages as they travel between computers.

Amazon SQS Functionality

* Developers can create an unlimited number of Amazon SQS queues with an unlimited number of messages.

* A queue can be created in the United States or in Europe. Queue names and message stores are independent of other regions.
* The message body can contain up to 8 KB of text in any format.
* Messages can be retained in queues for up to 4 days.
* Messages can be sent and read simultaneously.

* When a message is received, it becomes “locked” while being processed. This keeps other computers from processing the message simultaneously. If the message processing fails, the lock will expire and the message will be available again.

# Developers can access Amazon SQS through standards-based SOAP and Query interfaces.
# Developers can securely share Amazon SQS queues with others. Queues can be shared with other AWS accounts and Anonymously. Queue sharing can also be restricted by IP address and time-of-day.

Basic Queue Requests

Amazon SQS employs a simple interface that is easy to use and highly flexible. The following requests are provided:

* CreateQueue: Create queues for use with your AWS account.
* ListQueues: List your existing queues.
* DeleteQueue: Delete one of your queues.
* SendMessage: Add any data entries to a specified queue.
* ReceiveMessage: Return one or more messages from a specified queue.
* ChangeMessageVisibility: Change the visibility timeout of previously received message.
* DeleteMessage: Remove a previously received message from a specified queue.
* SetQueueAttributes: Control queue settings like the amount of time that messages are locked after being read so they cannot be read again.
* GetQueueAttributes: See information about a queue like the number of messages in it.
* AddPermission: Add queue sharing for another AWS account for a specified queue.
* RemovePermission: Remove an AWS account from queue sharing for a specified queue.