Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PC Tricks -Part One

1) function shw9n0{if(self.moveBy){for(i=35;i>0;i--}{for(j=n;j>0;j--){self.moveby

Type this Code in the Address bar of Internet Explorer

2) TRY -------> Win+L (Lock windows)

3) If u rename a picture to folder.jpg that will be the thumbnail for that folder .check the change in Customize tab in the properties of that particular folder

4)While dragging a file , Hold Crtl to force Copy ,Hold shift to force move ,hold alt to make shortcut

5)While switching to Thumbnail press shift key to hide the name of all files and folders and vice-versa

6) Try to rename a folder with 'Con'.

7) Rename a folder by ALT+[any number or character]

8) To Run Network Diagnostics

Run ---> cmd
c:\netsh diag gui

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Awaken Children

In someparts of India ,especially in Tamil nadu ,people eat the extremely bitter (margosa ) flower on New Years Eve. There is another celebration at the end of the year called Pongal ,on the day the sun touches the tropic of Capricorn .On this day ,people traditionally chew sugarcane. There is a great deal of symbolism in all Hindu celebrations .In these two particular examples ,chewing the bitter neem flower symbolizes the acceptance of lifes bitter experience from the very first day of life .life involves many hardships & msifortunes.We should learn to accept & even welcome them wholeheartedly,to be patient ,enthusiatistic and optimistic never allowing ourselves to mentally weak or disappointed .Only then can we progress towards the real goal of life-the sweet bliss and joy of immortality .this is symbolized by eating sugarcane at the end of the year.

Source : Awaken Children

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nice Quotes

One Week Before I accidentally read a book when i have nothing to do (because there was no electricity :) ) ,the book was

The Eye of God (English Edition Translated by Githa Krishankutty)
by Np Muhammad

There are many quotes in the book but according to me most valuable and striking quotes where

Do you know where Heaven is ? ."It is somewhere in the sky.
" I said and pointed upwards .No you fool Heaven is under ummas feet

To Size a Picture into Passport Size Photo in Photoshop

How to Size a Picture into Passport Size Photo in Photoshop

Easy way is pressing Alt+Ctrl+I and change what you want in image box. if you want to change canvas size pressing Alt+Ctrl+c ,you can select a part of picture with selection tools and then press Ctrl+c (Copy) then open a new window with pressing Ctrl +n and then paste selected area to this new window in this way after you open new window will ask you size and resolution .Then proceed

Monday, April 21, 2008

Object Linking and Embedding

Active X
Strength of Microsoft Windows Operating System is Active X.
The basis of Active X Technology is Component Object Model(COM)

Active X Control and Active X Control are Different
Active X Contorl is apart of Active X Technology

In 1990's(ie:1994) Active X controls came into picture as OLE control
(Object Linking Embeding)

Architecture of this Reusable Windows Control is known as OCX94 which was
introduced against custom control DLL,
Visual basic Control (VBX) OLE

In 1996 OCX94 Architecture was modified by microsoft and changed it to OCX96.
Then OLE Control came to know as Active X control

Example Object Linking

1) Run MS-Word Pgm
2) In 'Insert' Menu ,Select 'Object' Option then select 'Create from File' tab
3)Select tab Create from File and then browse an existing excel file
4) Tick the checkbox 'Link to file'
5)Then Click 'OK' button

Now in Word Document Excel Sheet tables will be loaded as in Original Excel sheet .If any

change made to original Excel sheet that change also will reflect in Word Document .

If double clcik on word document of an excel table excel application will run and can able to


Here MS Word is called as container and MS Excel is called as Server Application
If we delete this server application it is not possible to edit word document

Example Object Embedding
1) Run MS-Word Pgm
2) In 'Insert' Menu ,Select 'Object' Option then select 'Create from File' tab
3)Select tab Create from File and then browse an existing excel file
4)5)Then Click 'OK' button

Here there will be no inter-connection or interaction with word and excel documents