Friday, June 27, 2008


1) In XP Start ---> Run ---> type prefetch
It shows prefetched Programs and Documents in Explorer.U can safely delete them to clean up .

2)In XP Start ---> Run ---> type Control(Control Panel) .TO Open Control Panel



Area ----

Some Notable Quotes

I don't have any bloody commitment till my death .I want to look at things in the real perspective of things.
It is not necessary that I should go into the penetration because when I visualize , I have a vision about it . I dream ,My dreams externalize myself. My thinking goes beyond myself.So it happens

-John Abraham (Malayalam Film Director)
Don't Call me drunkard because i drank tears more than liquor

Fais Mohammad Fais


Monday, June 16, 2008

JSP Reference

For Reference

JWS ---> For Testing Purpose
JSP engine ---> Process jsp file

Java Web Sever
set path =C:\JWS

C:\ jserv -nojre -javahome C:\Jdk1.3

Methods --------> Get ,Post

Get is used to send small amount of data .No Security
In get method all data are in querystring(Enviornment variable--> To send data from Client to server) this are added at the end of requested URL

If method is post all data from user is stored in STDIN (Enviornment variable--> To send data from Client to server) ,high security not visible to client .The data is passed through socket.

The data from Server to Client
Response ----- Response Header ,Response Data ,Status code

Status code ----Result of request

Eg : 404 ---Not found
500----Internal server (Error prblm with server side pgm)

MIME -Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

Scripting Elements
a) Declarations b) Scriplets c) Expression


<%@ page import= "Java.util.*"%> --To import JSP package
<%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@ page language ="java"%>
<%@ page isErrorpage ="true"%>

Directives gives Global information about JSP Pages

Syntax For JSP

1) ASP like Syntax
2) XML syntax

ASP Syntax
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>

XML syntax
----------- import="java.util.*"

jsp:forward page="abc.jsp"

jsp:plugin ------ is to download applets >
jsp:usebean ------ is action tag used to create object of java beans >

Example --------- Closing and opening Tags should be added

jsp: plugin type ="applet" code="audio.class" width =230 height = 500
jsp: fall back> cannot download applet jsp:fallback

Session ------> Represents an user (browser) Creates session ID


1) (HTML) --- Process at Client Side
2) <%---'Contents'---------> (JSP) --- Process at Server Side
3) Java like
a) // b) /* */

Session Tracking (To identify Client )

1) User authentication
2) Hidden Fields
3) URL Rewriting
4) Cookies

Command for starting J2EE
> j2ee -verbose
> j2ee -stop ------> To stop

Set Path java_home=d:\jdk\bin

*.jar --------> jar archive (zip like file of java ) (Collection of Class file)

<%@page import ="java.sql.*"%>
<%@page import ="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcodbcDriver"%>
---- 3 interfaces connect,statement,Result set
<% Connection con =null // Store actvie db connect Statement st =null; //used for parsing sql command Result set rs =null // Storing db result %>

---Html Codes in this outprintln-------");
Employee No.
while (
" + rs.getString("empno")+ "....");

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PC Tricks -Part One

1) function shw9n0{if(self.moveBy){for(i=35;i>0;i--}{for(j=n;j>0;j--){self.moveby

Type this Code in the Address bar of Internet Explorer

2) TRY -------> Win+L (Lock windows)

3) If u rename a picture to folder.jpg that will be the thumbnail for that folder .check the change in Customize tab in the properties of that particular folder

4)While dragging a file , Hold Crtl to force Copy ,Hold shift to force move ,hold alt to make shortcut

5)While switching to Thumbnail press shift key to hide the name of all files and folders and vice-versa

6) Try to rename a folder with 'Con'.

7) Rename a folder by ALT+[any number or character]

8) To Run Network Diagnostics

Run ---> cmd
c:\netsh diag gui

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Awaken Children

In someparts of India ,especially in Tamil nadu ,people eat the extremely bitter (margosa ) flower on New Years Eve. There is another celebration at the end of the year called Pongal ,on the day the sun touches the tropic of Capricorn .On this day ,people traditionally chew sugarcane. There is a great deal of symbolism in all Hindu celebrations .In these two particular examples ,chewing the bitter neem flower symbolizes the acceptance of lifes bitter experience from the very first day of life .life involves many hardships & msifortunes.We should learn to accept & even welcome them wholeheartedly,to be patient ,enthusiatistic and optimistic never allowing ourselves to mentally weak or disappointed .Only then can we progress towards the real goal of life-the sweet bliss and joy of immortality .this is symbolized by eating sugarcane at the end of the year.

Source : Awaken Children