Thursday, January 21, 2010


Event Management

Classification of events
Event planning
Prioritization of events
Association to sales teams

Leads Maintenance

Maintain Leads

* Lead Contact.
o Industry type
o Turnover
o Geographical segment

* Lead Source
o Lead type
o Lead rating
o Lead source information
o Leads interests & feedback

* Assess Lead
o Lead qualifier

* Convert Lead
o Converting lead into an account and opportunity.

Lead – Account Conversion

Assessment of leads
Conversion of leads

Account and Contact Management

Maintain Accounts

Account types, industry, turn over, market potential, sales person

Current Setup

* Problems faced
* Pain areas
* Expectations

Maintain key contacts

Opportunity Creation and Assessment

* Manage Opportunity

o Lead information, lead requirements, leads interests.
o Sales stage (current status of the opportunity).
o Competitors in race.
o Expected order date.
o Estimated revenue model & value.

Sales person Task Reporting

Maintain sales task

* Creation of task plan.
* Planned task authorization.
* Task booking against planned tasks.
* Task booking against lead, opportunity or account.
* Task booking authorization by supervisor.
* Supervisor remarks on the task performed.
* Execute sales administrative duties.

Inquiry Tracking

Mode of enquiry capture
Details of enquiry capture
Association to sales teams

Maintain Sales Order

Order acknowledgement
Delivery date commitment
Reference to quotation
Revenue allocation to cost center

Maintain Packslip

Shipment of goods from project zone
Capture of lot/serial numbers

Maintain Customer Order Invoice

Provision to modify price
Payment terms capture
Multiple invoices against single order

Maintain Customer Receipt

Receipt at bank/cash
Adjustment with Invoice
Bank charges accounting

ERP (Cost Planning & Control)

Cost Budget

* Cost budget for each financial period.
* Cost budget for each cost center.
* Cost budget for each account code.
* Comparison of budgets of different periods.
* Variance analysis based on actual amount Vs budgeted amount.
* Variance analysis between budgets of different financial periods.

Cost Setup

Cost Center

* Detailed and Group Cost Center.
* Effective dates can be provided.
* Cost center structure can be maintained.

Cost Element

* Activity Based cost element and normal cost element.
* Ledger asset, income and expenditure codes can be created as cost element.
* Ledger code itself can be created as cost element
* Effective dates can be provided.
* Same cost element can be mapped to multiple cost centers.

Cost Rollup

DP Roll up gives users a facility to compute the cost of item that is either manufactured or subcontracted.

* Purchased and subcontracted item can be rolled up.
* Errors on rollup can be verified and rectified.
* Basis of rollup can be maximum, minimum or average.
* Tolerance can be defined for additional cost burden.
* Cost burden can be applied and updated in the inventory.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cloud Computing &Oracle -3

Sign up for Amazon S3 Service
The first step in getting started with the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module is to
sign up for Amazon S3. This can be done by visiting the Amazon S3 website
( Upon successful registration, users will be
provided a pair of access identifiers called the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key.
These access identifiers can be retrieved from the Amazon S3 web site by hovering
the mouse over the “Your Web Services Account” button on the upper right hand
side corner of the page and then clicking on the “AWS Access Identifiers” link.

Register for an or Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Account
An or OTN account is required to install the Oracle Secure Backup
Cloud module. New accounts may be created by visiting the OTN website
( and clicking on the “Sign In/Register for Account” link at
the top of the page.

Install the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module
The next step is to download the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module install tool
from OTN, and run it to install and configure Cloud backups. The install tool is
pre-packaged with the AMIs provided by Oracle to ease Oracle software
deployment on Amazon EC2. Therefore, if the database being backed up is
running on Amazon EC2, there is no need to download the install tool – it can be
found in the /home/oracle/scripts/osbws directory.
The install tool can be invoked as follows:

$java -jar osbws_install.jar -AWSID -AWSKey
-otnUser -otnPass -walletDir -configFile -libDir
-proxyHost wwwproxy.

Oracle Secure Backup Database Web-Service Install Tool
OTN userid is valid.
AWS credentials are valid.
Creating new registration for this S3 user.
Created new log bucket.
Registration ID: 0f0a8aac-dad0-6254-7d70-be4ac4f112c4
S3 Logging Bucket: oracle-log-jane-doe-1
Create credential

OSB web-services wallet created in directory
OSB web-services initialization file /orclhome/dbs/osbwst1.ora

Downloading OSB Web Services Software Library.
Downloaded 13165919 bytes in 204 seconds.
Transfer rate was 64538 bytes/second.
Download complete.
Extracted file /orclhome/lib/

As can be seen from the above sample output, the install tool automatically
performs all the required steps to install and configure the Cloud backup module –
including downloading the software, creating a wallet containing the user’s AWS
identifiers, and creating the Cloud backup configuration file.
More details on how to run the install tool and the description of all of its
arguments can be found in the install tool readme document.

Configure Recovery Manager (RMAN) Settings
This optional, but highly recommended, step stores the configuration information
for the Cloud Backup module in the RMAN repository so that it does not need to
be specified each time a backup is invoked.

RMAN> configure channel device type sbt parms

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
new RMAN configuration parameters:


new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored

Once the above step is completed, the system is fully configured for Cloud
backups. Cloud Backups can now be performed using the same RMAN commands
you usually use.

Similarly, all Cloud backup operations will be catalogued by RMAN in the same
manner as local disk or tape backups are, thereby ensuring a completely transparent
and seamless restore/recovery process. In another words, when a restore/recover
operation is initiated, RMAN and Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module will
automtically restore the required data from the Cloud - without requiring any
special user intervention.

Oracle recommends the following to optimize the
• Use multiple RMAN channels. Prior to Oracle Database 11g, each datafile
could only be backed up by one RMAN channel. Consequently, the
effective degree of parallelism is limited by the number datafiles in the
database. Oracle Database 11g however has intra-datafile parallelism
capability that allows multiple channels to backup a single file in parallel.

• Compress your backups and use the new Oracle Database 11g Fast
Compressed Backup feature. Compared to pre-11g backup compression,
Oracle Database 11g Fast Backup Compression is significantly faster and
more efficient (in terms of CPU overhead).
• Consider making full database backups once a week and perform
incremental backups during the weekdays. This will results in faster
backups and may help save significant amount of network bandwidth. Use
the RMAN Block Change Tracking feature to optimize the performance
of your daily incremental backups.

Cloud Computing &Oracle -2

Cloud Backup Benefits

Oracle’s Cloud backup functionality provides the following advantages over
traditional tape-based offsite backups:
Continuous Accessibility, Faster Restores: Backups stored in the
Cloud are always accessible – much in the same way local disk backups
are. As such, there is no need to call anyone, and no need to ship or load
tapes before a restore can be performed. Administrators can initiate
restore operations using their standard tools (Enterprise Manager, scripts,
etc.) just as if the offsite backup was stored locally. This can help make
restores faster and reduce down time from days to hours/minutes in many

Better Reliability: Storage Clouds are disk based and thus inherently
more reliable than tapes. Additionally, the Cloud vendors typically keep
multiple redundant copies of data for availability and scalability purposes.
reduction in backup size is directly realized as an increase in backup performance.
Unlimited Scaling and No Up-front Capital Expense: The Cloud
provides virtually unlimited capacity with no up-front capital expenditure.
Consequently, users need not worry about provisioning adequate tapes or
local storage to hold the required backup data. The Cloud scales seamlessly
and users pay only for what they use, when they use it.

Reduced Tape Backup and Offsite Storage Cost: Since Cloud backup
reduces or eliminates the need for tapes, this can lead to significant savings
in tape backup software licensing/support and offsite tape storage costs.
Quick Provisioning of Test and Dev Environments: As Cloud
Backups are accessible from anywhere via the Internet, they can be used to
quickly clone databases to create custom test, dev, or QA environments.
For instance, Cloud Backups stored in Amazon S3 can be cloned to
machines running in Amazon EC2 by running a simple script that is
included in the Oracle-provided Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). An
AMI is a virtual machine image that allows quick provisioning of a preinstalled
and pre-configured Oracle database environment on Amazon

Cloud Computing &Oracle -1

Complete Data Security and Privacy with Built-In Encryption
Oracle Secure Backup provides the ability to encrypt backups to ensure data
security and privacy.While most Storage
Cloud vendors provide robust security to ensure that only authorized users can
access data, Oracle Secure Backup’s ability to encrypt data at its source

Intelligent, Network-Optimized Backup

Network bandwidth consumption and the time required to complete backups can
be another major concern while backing up databases to the Cloud, over the public
Internet.Intelligent, Network-Optimized Backup
Network bandwidth consumption and the time required to complete backups can
be another major concern while backing up databases to the Cloud, over the public
Internet. The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module features a rich set of capabilities
to intelligently minimize the volume of backup data and also to compress backups.

Oracle Secure Backup is tightly integrated with the Oracle Database engine, Oracle Secure Backup can identify unused space (blocks) within the database and skip backing it up. Since database administrators typically allocate more space than they actually use, to provide headroom for future growth, this can lead to a substantial reduction in both backup size and time.

Additionally, starting with Oracle Database 11g,
Oracle Secure Backup can also eliminate committed undo data from backup by
identifying and backing up only the “active” undo data (i.e. undo data related to
transactions in progress at the time of backup). Database undo sizes typically range
from 10 to 100s of GB and this optimization can also lead to significant
improvements in backup performance.
It is important to note that both unused space and undo data backup optimization
are unique features of Oracle Secure Backup and are not available with any other
backup product.

With Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module, users can also utilize RMAN’s rich
compression capabilities. This includes the Oracle Database 11g Fast Compressed
Backup feature, which normally requires the Advanced Compression option.cost. Compression typically results in a 50% reduction in backup size.
When transmitting backups over slower networks, such as the public internet,any

