Friday, May 5, 2023


 Fengshui originates from imperial China  (wu shu)covering 5 major aspects. Mountain, medicine, destiny, physiognomy and prediction.

 Feng shui is classify as physiognomy. It has got nothing to do with religion or spirituality. It creates harmony between us and the physical habitat that we live or work in.

Attract vital life energy , entrap and uses it. In addition it stresses on the greater importance of using water as an entrapment for energy. 

 Internal & External Environment 

“Environment” are external and internal landforms. External landforms refer to the highs and lows of Earth’s physical surface terrain. Things like roads 

leading to your office or home. The lift and it’s walkway

Internal Form refers to the structural layout like doors, kitchen, bedroom etc. The foundation concept of fengshui build upon how we manage and align the positive energy from our environment.

The location where a person choose to build his house should depend on the surrounding mountains and river formation. In short fengshui examine first the 

“external environment”, like old stone age where human live in caves to protect themselves from rain, sun and wild animals. If external landforms are bad there are limitations to how we could improve the energy within the house (internal environment).  

Energy management 

Classical fengshui wisdom believe in the existence of “qi” or invisible vital-life energy that permeates the universe. It is like Bluetooth or WIFI signals. 

Home Feng shui Benefits

Permanent fengshui fix not annual fengshui 

Health boost – physical, mental & emotional 

Attract positive energy into your house 

Encourage harmonious relationships 

Bazi bonus short tips to improve your life 

Unlock home wealth sector 

Increase opportunities for career promotion 

Reduce financial loss & enhance wealth retention

Enhance academic  and learning abilities 

Improve home security against theft and misplacement

Do not buy a house or office with tilted doors. Some fengshui masters uses to tilt the door believing that the house “negative” energies  will improve permanently! It does not. Energies does not go sideways when you tilt the door. So if you see that the door is tilted it is clear sign telling you that the house is bad.

Toilet and stove should not in the center of a house. Toilet in the center will cause digestion, intestine and urinary system issues.  As for the stove it causes heart & blood problems.

Main door should not face kitchen nor toilet entrance. This will cause illnesses to the entire family.

These are the main door orientations to avoid. In Chinese fengshui is call the 大空亡 meaning “void”. No Destinies. They are 大空亡 22.5°, 67.5°,112.5°,157.5°,202.5°, 247.5°, 292.5°, 337.5° and 小空亡  7.5 degree 37.5 degree 52.5degree 82.5 97.5 127.5 142.5 172.5 187.5 217.5 232.5 262.5 277.5 307.5 322.5 352.5

Any bad things can happen for such degree such as freak accidents, surgeries, sickness, suicide, lawsuit, disharmony, evil spirits and there is “no permanent fengshui solutions”.

Here are some general tips to ensure good health based on fengshui principles for the interior of your home adding to the 3 pointers written:

1) Ensure that your home is clean. A house full of clutter is bad hygiene.

2) Ensure that the walkway flows freely and unobstructed.

3) Do not place mirrors in front of your bed, you will have nightmare and interrupted sleep.

4) Do not place your stove opposite the toilet door.

5) Do not buy a home that the toilet is right smack in the centre of your floor plan.

6) Do not place the bed beside the door, any door. 

7) Headboard of your bed should not be towards the stove or toilet.

8) Avoid tech gadgets like laptop, mobile, charger beside your head portion of your bed.

9) Kitchen entrance should not be at the reverse end of main or room doors or toilet door.

10) Sharp objects likes axe and sword not to place beside any doors. This will result in accidents and surgery.

11) Stove should not be within energy combo of 2,5, 5,2, 5,9 9,5 and 5 Devil.

12) Do not carry out renovation without the calculation of auspicious dates.

13) Do not place family photos in the 5 devil sector.

14) Mirrors and clocks should be opposite to doors or windows.

15) Avoid homes that have very severe missing sectors or rectangular layout where the length is 3x longer than breadth. A square house is always a good choice.

Fengshui - Wallet

 Shapes are a big part of feng shui, so you should choose the one that connects you to wealth. In feng shui, the shape that corresponds to the Wealth/ Money area is rectangular, meaning you need to get a rectangular wallet.

Folded notes that cram your wallet suggest to the universe that there’s no spare room for other money in your wallet. 

This is why getting a long wallet will ensure that your notes are kept mint and straight!

Lucky symbols direct more luck energy into your wallet and, therefore, into your finances.A well-known feng shui symbol for luck is a red ribbon with three coins. 

You can buy one from a thrift shop or make your own to send this message into the world:“Put more money here, my wallet is a lucky treasure trove.”

Feng shui postulates that a lot of crystals attract prosperity. Get a bunch of these gemstones and use them by rotation. This acts as a way of telling the Universe that your wallet is a good place to grow your savings by using Malachite. Or, you can use amethyst to say you’re dependable with your finances. Conversely, citrine attracts a lot of new energy and tells the Universe you’re ready for more financial opportunities.

You can embellish your wallet with flower stickers . Blue, purple, and red flowers are said to attract a lot of wealth if you place them in your home’s money area, so why not try them on your wallet?

For optimum luck and wealth, hold your bag on the left: this increases what goes into it and decreases what goes out. The right side of the body is a strong “white tiger,” while the left is a “green dragon” and brings power

Be careful where you lay down your bag. If you’re sitting down, it’s best to rest it on the left, unless you’re with friends as people give more strength than objects.

Charms such as three coins tied or taped together and objects in lucky colors are obvious fortune magnets.

Chinese geomancy is based on the elements of fire, earth, water, metal and wood.

Red, pink, purple and angular shapes are “fire.” So choose a bag that incorporates these if you’re after a promotion at work since they radiate confidence. Red is the most auspicious and lucky color in feng shui. It symbolizes the element fire. Some thought it’s a vibrant color for a wallet. In that case they can carry a reddish black wallet. Though some feng shui experts warn about having a red wallet may evoke the fire element and make you a big spender.

Red, the color of fire, burns your money. Throw away your red wallet now!

Pink is another shade for fire. It represents romance and relationships, not money.

Square shapes and yellow, orange and brown are “earth” and are good for days when you want to appear approachable. These colors give your wealth stability and help you save money. It also protects your money. If you are big spender then a brown color wallet would be the best option for you. Yellow is the color of transition between seasons, so a yellow wallet can both bring and take away your wealth. The solution is to get a mustard yellow wallet if you want to save more. If you want to be luckier in your finances, opt for a pastel yellow purse.

Round white, silver, gold, chrome, bronze or gray bags are “metal” and can inspire purity of thought and strength. These colors also hold your wealth, make it stable and permanent. Gold is always related with luxury. So now you know the fact that gold wallets can give you a luxurious life.

Green, light blue and rectangular shapes are “wood” and good to maintain harmony. It is the color of the wood element. It is also associated with growth and positive qi of life. Green attracts wealth also. If you use  green you will get an ample option of opportunity. This color is very lucky for that person who is related to business. It will increase their idea and creativity. Green is the color of growth and new energy. If you want more income opportunities, such as a new job or a new business idea, get a green wallet.

Curvy shapes, black and dark blue are classified under “water” and improve prosperity as well as tell the world that the owner of the bag must be treated with respect.  Water is also linked with your money in feng shui. Especially black color attracts money to your wallet. Every time you open it for any purchase it evokes the feelings and attracts wealth. Black is the best choice for your wallet because it stands for prosperity, wealth, and career opportunities.

Much like the Earth keeps the seeds warm during winter and makes them flourish, so will a brown wallet help you save more money.

Blue is the colour of the flowing water. Don’t choose blue for your wallet if you want your money to stay yours

Purple is a strong, fiery color that can weaken several feng shui areas, including Money and Career. So, don’t choose a purple wallet

Some bad combinations are  ones include red-white, green-yellow, and blue-red.