Saturday, May 13, 2023

Grabovoi Numbers

Grabovoi numbers. They are the 'cheat codes of the Universe' and can be used to manifest money, love, health, healing... almost anything! There are hundreds of codes out there.

Grabovoi codes use Radionic signatures to manifest and 'fix' various life ailments.

They were developed by the (controversial) Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine.

The theory is based on the fact that all people and life forms share common ground; through electromagnetic field of the earth we are all connected in some way. The numbers are cheat codes of the Universe, that work within our system to manifest and heal.

The belief is that, because all life forms carry its own electromagnetic field, when it's sufficiently distorted it results in disease, sickness, and other ailments. Because everything is energy, radionics says organs, ailments and their remedies have their own frequency and vibration.

Are Grabovoi Numbers The Same As Angel Numbers?

No. While Grabovoi number and angel numbers share some things in common (numerology and numerical energy), they are not the same thing. 

Grabovoi numbers are based strictly on the energies of numbers. Whereas angel numbers combine the energy of numbers but also the spiritual component of communicating with your angels. 

Grabovoi numbers are not messages for you to receive. You only use them to manifest. Angel numbers can be used to ask for and receive guidance and tangible items from the universe.


1. Journal them. Write down your manifestations in your manifestation journal and include the code somewhere on the same page. If you are using the Manifest + Flow journal, write it at the top of the page, and also directly beside your affirmation every morning.

2. Memorize them (repeat them in your mind when you first wake up and before bed and whenever you can throughout the day).

3. Repeat an affirmation with the code "I am attracting unexpected money, activating code 520 741 8).

4. Write the code down, tear it off the paper and place under your pillow.

5. Write the code down, hold it in your hands, hands over heart. Close your eyes and visualize your manifestations. Repeat thank you, thank you, thank you

6. Write the following script "I am attracting ____ into my life, and activating the code _____ with harm to none, for the greater good of all. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

7. Use it with crystals. For example, I have been manifesting with crystals for love + abundance (you can find the kit here). I write the code on a little piece of paper, then place the crystals on top in the palm of my hand. I close my eyes and visualize the code.

Disclaimer: Grabovoi numbers can only be used and effective with good intentions.

You can use more than one Grabovoi number per day. For example, you can use one code to attract romance, and also 520 741 8 to attract unexpected money.

How to do it:

According to Grabovoi, each numerical sequence has a specific vibration, which is the result of the addition and interaction between the vibrations of each number that compose them.

What we have to do is connect to these sequences so that the vibrations can become part of our lives.

Each numerical sequence already has its purpose in it.

First, you need to activate the sequence and its intention. Write what I’m about to say down on a piece of paper and read it out loud every time you start a Grabovoi numerical sequence:

"I (say your name) am going to activate the sequence (say the name of it, for example, Abundance) on today (state the date). With the faith that everything is possible in this process of ( say the name of what you'll be creating, for example, Abundance). I get an immediate solution to problems with these sequences with the help of the creator and with great harmony. I am thankful for my creator to help me in this process and bless me with my desire with 100% positive results with this process. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


-Visualize a shiny silver sphere of approx. 19 inches (50cm) in front of you, at the heart height.

-Visualize the numerical sequence you're focusing on also bright inside this sphere while listening to the tracks. Notice that some numbers have spaces. They are essential, so be sure to leave spaces when indicated.

-Repeat the numerical sequences for 28 times in a row.

-Once done, you can leave this sphere. Release it to Infinity, put in God's hand or any other situation that brings you peace.

-At the end, imagine your wish resolved, and you participating in that desire with immense joy. 

-Do not imagine the problem, but the solution.

-If it is necessary, listen to the track repeatedly.

Win a Lottery -4610567

Love - 888412 12890181

To attract Reosnant People - 591 718 9181419

Quick and accurate decision - 5217319 

Unexpected Money, Immediate Solutions - 520 741 8

Financial and Economical Independence - 518491617 

Normalize All Chakras and Meridians - 88889 88887 8888

Get Job Quickly - 218494517601

Financial Abundance - 318 798

Divine Protection - 8888 8888

Remove Blocks - 91688 

Healthy Body Forever -5185213

Prosperity - 71427321893 (abundance number)

Direct Communication with Creator - 11981

Immediate Flow of Money - 426499

Everything is possible 51971148

71381921 – geometrical centre. This number is useful for anchoring in the present moment.State this number aloud three times. 

It finds the geometrical centre of the person who is performing the exercise.

4148188 = time to money

The 889 is to fix the information to harmonize.

Peace – 1001105010

Harmonisation Universa l – 14854232190

Environmental sustainability – 97318541218

Weight loss – 4812412

Depression – 519514 319891

Awareness High – 519 377898 997

Rejuvenate – 2145432

Sloth – 318 41791844

Hair loss (alopecia) – 5484121

Problems with teeth – 1488514

Caries – 5148584

Tooth Enamel – 618 374 898 161

Charisma – 491 718 594 817

Protection – 9187756981818

Shield – 814 418 719

Solution for questions and problems – 25122004 

Stability in business issues – 212309909 

Constant Flow of Money - 318612518714

Fast Health Recovery - 19751

Professional Development - 138

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